SSI Introduces Real Time GPS Navigation Tools For Grinders and Mills
Use GPS Position to Find Roughness and Grind Locations. No Paint Marks Required.

The SSI CS7900 Real Time GPS Tool is a portable option to allow roughness navigation of equipment operators or non-GPS enabled vehicles. The CS7900 is a fully enclosed electronics housing containing a GPS receiver, battery and USB connections. A Toughbook computer can also be charged from the CS7900 housing.
A GPS receiver embedded within the CS7900 housing can have a position accuracy as low as 4 cm (1.6 inches) with a yearly subscription. Other options are SBAS/WAAS, multiple constellations, or NTRIP corrections.
The CS7900 case can connect to a PC to stream GPS position. This data stream can be used with the SSI profiler data to navigate to grind locations. The user interface of the program is exactly the same as the profiler collection software.
Now the grinder or mill operator with a CS7900 can receive the profiler data files through USB or email and load them into the program. From here the SSI program can navigate them to roughness on the project to correct. No need for the inertial profiler to lay out the roughness with paint. An added feature is that the operator can view the elevation profiles and the IRI plots. Now the operator has more information to make better decisions about how to correct the roughness.